At Guild Living we believe in the right of each guest to live the way they want for as long as possible, according to their individual background, desires, expectations.

This is why each guest is always at the centre of our interest and attentions.


During the interactions that precede the guest’s arrival at the Centre, our team will collect the needs and desires of each indivudual in terms of stay duration, relocation neeeds and temporary or permanent care and medical assistence upon arrival.


During the first meeting, the Guild Living team will record the motivations of each guest’s requests, analyse teh guest’s level of health and wellbeing (physical, cognitive, emotional), collect the needs for medication, register the guest with the local health service. But most of all our team will try and understand the unique personality of each individual and put in place the right solutions in terms of spaces and service.


The collected information will allow the Guild Team to make each guest feel special and live the life they want, using both private and common spaces the way that most suits their personality and receiving services that are always responding to their changing needs.


From the moment guests arrive at the Centre, they are continuously moniotred, so that fast and personalized measures can be put in place, if and when needed, all aloong the path of their longevity.

To this purpose, Guild Living has signed collaboration agreements with renowned Assisted Living facilities of the territory

KOS Group – Firenze, Bisenzio, Borgo San Lorenzo, Grosseto

    • If there is no memory issue, if mobility is complete and independent, if there have been no accidents, we will only monitor guests "at a distance", leaving them free to live indipendently.
    • If guests recognize their dear ones and there is no sign of anxiety, but forget or repeats thing, if they need emotional support and encouragement to participate to activities at the centre, if up to 3 accidents have occured over the past 4 weeks, the Guild Living Team will quickly implement measures of daily active support.
    • if the level of anxiety soares, if there are frequent mood swings, if guests are not able to deambulate, wash, sit or eat independently or if more than 4 accidents have occured over the past 4 weeks, Guild Living will organise external socio-sanitary support at an extra cost
    • If guests can no longer recognize their dear ones or are highly anxious, if they put their own health (or that of other guests) at risk, if they need two people to move or if more than 8 accidents have occured over the last 2 weeks, they will need to be transfered to a different assisted living location.


Every Journey starts with a first step. We’re here to help you and get to know you better. Fill in this form or contact us at +39 0577 1410011.